Sunday 29 July 2012

Andrew's update on Adam (24/07/12)

When I went to see Adam on Sunday he was very responsive. I found out that the he had not had much physio that day. The amount of physio during the day seems to significantly affect the amount of response he is able to give and there is definitely a sleep like state and an active state.,
When I walked in I called his name and he lifted his left hand in the glove off the bead, almost like waving. I then took his glove off and he gripped my hand really hard as I talked to him.
One of the problems now is that there can be so much movement that at times it is difficult to tell which responses are due to talking to him. Towards the end of my visit his left hand was resting on mine and I left it there for a few minutes, then I asked him to grip it and he did it immediately I then asked him to release my hand and move it away, which he did. I then put my hand under his and waited two to three minutes and there was no reaction, I then repeated the requests and the same thing happened. I then did it a third time and again the same thing happened.
At these times his eyes blink quite a lot. It is so encouraging, This shows that he is hearing our voices and making sense of the words.
Physically he is still improving. He is breathing but with added moisture and oxygen, which is being reduced little by little. This in itself is tiring for him. He has made so much progress that at times it is easy to forget that he is still on an HDU ward. I know that as he continues to improve and be less dependent on the technology he will continue to come out of coma.
 ·  ·  · 24 July at 10:37

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