Friday 13 July 2012

Regent's School Insurance

Regarding insurance at the Regents for all those who were interested, our employer has agreed to improve our coverage, but we won't know the details until August. The main difference, we were told, is that there will be an additional level of coverage for catastrophic illnesses/accidents. It is awful that it has taken several serious incidents for our principal to finally prevail on this issue, but there you are. It's worth bearing in mind that Adam's expenses have been far greater than many reasonable-looking policies would cover anyway, so if you want to have complete security, you still need to shop around.

There were 2 companies willing to work with us as a group and help out with Adam's expenses: NZI and Expatriate Healthcare. My suggestion is that we all make sure we are covered this summer, wherever we are, and then wait until we see the new policy and decide if we would like some sort of top-up policy, and then we can figure something out. There was also a company called Seven Corners that had good rates for expats, and of course Guard.Me offered a donation and their expertise regardless of any new customers. See you in August:)

Wish we could have gone to PickleAID, well done to you all.
 ·  ·  · 8 July at 02:55

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