Saturday 16 June 2012

another fundraising story

Hi all I worked with the man for two years. Now I work in Malaysia so finding a fundraising idea was a little tricky because no knows Ad. So here's what I've done. I brought a large jar of Pickles and ran staff room comp for guess the pickles. I donated 100 RM for the first prize- winner takes all and 10 RM gets you a guess. I've left it in the staffroom for the last two weeks and already raisedabout £50. Think is no one knows here about Ad- when we get the eventual winner I'm going explain the situation to them - no doubt they'll add their winnings to the pot.
Simple idea that gets people keen. One Aussie guy chose 12 picks already- go figure the logic there.
Everyone embrace your inner Pickles and buy a jar!
 ·  ·  · 9 June at 15:34 via Mobile

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